Smell-based disease diagnosis

Jim Skinner · 2018/09/17 · 5 minute read

I have just submitted my thesis! In celebration, here’s a brief, hopefully interesting description of the application I was working on: disease diagnosis using artificial olfaction (smell).

It turns out that humans can, with training, diagnose disease using smell, and have been doing this for thousands of years. This was certainly done by Hippocrates around 400BC, who wrote in the book Aphorisms1 about using the smell of urine, and spit after being vaporised on hot coals, to inform diagnoses.

This is far from an isolated use of smell in medicine; for example, part of the process of diagnosing Bacterial Vaginosis2 involves “Release of a fishy odour on adding alkali (10% KOH)” to a swab. In fact, there are very many diseases associated with specific odours. Below I have reproduced a table compiled by Wilson and Baietto3 of published disease odour descriptions, with references dating mostly to the second half of the 19th century.

Disease Body source Descriptive aroma
Acromegaly Body Strong, offensive
Anaerobic infection Skin, sweat Rotten apples
Azotemia (prerenal) Urine Concentrated urine odor
Bacterial proteolysis Skin Over-ripe Camembert
Bacterial vaginosis Vaginal discharge Amine-like
Bladder infection Urine Ammonia
Bromhidrosis Skin, nose Unpleasant
Darier’s disease Buttocks Rank, unpleasant odor
Diabetic ketoacidosis Breath Rotting apples, acetone
Congestive heart failure Heart (portcaval shunts) Dimethyl sulfide
Cystic fibrosis Infant stool Foul
Diabetes mellitus Breath Acetone-like
Diphtheria Sweat Sweet
Empyema (anaerobic) Breath Foul, putrid
Esophageal diverticulum Breath Feculent, foul
Fetor hepaticus Breath Newly-mown clover, sweet
Gout Skin Gouty odor
Hydradenitis suppurativa Apocrine sweat glands Bad body odor
Hyperhydrosis Body Unpleasant body odor
Hyperaminoaciduria (Oast-house Syndrome) Infant skin Dried malt or hops
Hypermethioninemia Infant breath Sweet, fruity, fishy, boiled cabbage, rancid butter
Intestinal obstruction Breath Feculent, foul
Intranasal foreign body Breath Foul, feculent
Isovaleric acidemia Skin, sweat, breath Sweaty feet, cheesy
Ketoacidosis (starvation) Breath Sweet, fruity, acetone-like
Liver failure Breath Musty fish, raw liver, feculent, mercaptans, dimethyl sulfide
Lung abscess Sputum, breath Foul, putrid, full
Maple syrup urine disease Sweat, urine, ear wax Maple syrup, burnt sugar
Phenylketonuria Infant skin Musty, horsey, mousy, sweet, urine
Pneumonia (necrotizing) Breath Putrid
Pseudomonas infection Skin, sweat Grape
Renal failure (chronic) Breath Stale urine
Rotavirus gastroenteritis Stool Full
Rubella Sweat Freshly plucked feathers
Schizophrenia Sweat Mildly acetic
Scrofula Body Stale beer
Scurvy Sweat Putrid
Shigellosis Stool Rancid
Smallpox Skin Pox stench
Squamous-cell carcinoma Skin Offensive odor
Sweaty feet syndrome Urine, sweat, breath Foul acetic
Trench mouth Breath Halitosis
Trimethylaminuria Skin, urine Fishy
Tuberculosis lymphadenitis Skin Stale beer
Tubular necrosis (acute) Urine Stale water
Typhoid Skin Freshly-baked brown bread
Uremia Breath Fishy, ammonia, urine-like
Vagabond’s disease Skin Unpleasant
Varicose ulcers (malignant) Leg Foul, unpleasant
Yellow fever Skin Butcher’s shop

Some of these have been given remarkably specific descriptions. We see Fetor hepaticus gives the breath an odour described as “sweet” and “newly-mown clover”, and Rubella causes sweat the smell of “freshly plucked feathers”. All this is quite entertaining, but there is a growing body of evidence that smell can provide a great deal of useful information on the disease state of the body. We are also beginning to understand WHY disease can cause bodily excretions to smell different, and it turns out to be a variety of different reasons, though most are to do with the production of odorous Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).

VOCs are produced naturally in metabolism. If the metabolism is altered, so are the VOCs. One obvious source of VOCs in an infection are those produced by the pathogen. However, many VOCs are produced by the body under stress and due to immune response. These VOCs can be excreted in the breath, urine, stool and sweat, depending on the disease site, and can be detected.

A trained human nose is sufficient to detect the VOC alterations in certain diseases, but can certainly be improved upon. There has been media coverage of trained dogs able to smell the presence of tumours in breath and urine4. However, humans and animals are costly to train, and their ability to smell varies with age, wellness, and the time since their last meal. For serious, reproducible, large-scale smell-based diagnosis, one would better rely on a machine than an animal.

Enter “artificial olfaction’’. Research into building a machine able to smell has been going on since at least the 1980’s, when Gardner and Bartlett5 introduced the term”electronic nose" to describe an instrument using an array of heterogeneous sensors to produce an electronic signature characterising the odour of a gas. Modern variations have appeared with desirable properties (the electronic nose sensors would degrade over time), and they typically work by separating out the molecules in a gas according to some chemical property, and measuring the quantity of molecules over the range of separation. For those interested, FAIMS6 (Field Asymmetric Ion Mobility Spectrometry) and GC-IMS7 (Gas Chromatography-Ion Mobility Spectrometry) are both state-of-the-art methods for smelling disease.

The technology looks really very promising, but since the machines are sensitive to such a broad range of VOC signals, this means that almost anything can be a confounder, so studies need to be designed carefully! I am very excited to be beginning a post-doc working with the BreathSpec8, assessing the ability to distinguish between bacterial and viral respiratory infections. This is cool because (a): if we can easily detect if an infection is bacterial, we can stop over-prescribing antibiotics; and (b): patients breathe directly into the instrument, removing a LOT of variance introduced by sample collection/capture/storage/experimental batch effects.



  3. Alphus D. Wilson and Manuela Baietto. Advances in Electronic-Nose Technologies Developed for Biomedical Applications. Sensors, 11(1):1105–1176, 2011.


  5. e.g., J W Gardner and PN Bartlett. Electronic noses. principles and applications. Measurement Science and Technology, 11(7):1087, 2000.


